
 What is NLPT Vitality?

When we think about the things in life that bring us the most joy in our retirement years our minds go to:

  • Picking up and hugging our grand kids

  • Playing with our grand and great grand kids

  • Playing golf or skiing pain free

  • Being able to travel independently with confidence

  • Doing yard work and having the mobility and integrity to do it

The challenge is that as we age, we move less and traditionally start to lose mobility, stability, strength and muscle mass.

NLPT Vitality is built on the mindset of “Making the Best Years of Your Life, The Healthiest and Happiest”. We look at the physical skills and capacity you need to live a fulfilled and happy life and reverse engineer it to design an effective program for you, no matter what your back ground in fitness is.

NLPT is built upon designing effective exercise program to match the physical skills and capacity you need, no matter what age you are! Don’t be scared away based on some of our pictures and videos online, this program is appropriately scaled to meet everyone’s fitness levels and needs.

All weekly programs will be posted before hand so you know what we are doing and you can pass along to your GP so they are in the know as well!

Now for the best part of the program!

There is no formal charge for this program, however we will be accepting donations that will 100% go towards the Argus House here in Cambridge. One of our missions is to have immense impact on our community and our goal is to raise $50000 annually for this amazing organization that will continue to provide hope and avenues of success for youth who might not have the opportunities that many of the athletes who train at our facility do.

So it’s kind of a double wammy! You get to be part of an amazing program but also give back and help support our community!

Program Details:

Starts February 4 2020 and runs until June 26 2020.

Program will pause from June 29- Sept 11

Starts again Sept 14 through until June 25 2021

Program Times/Location

Tuesday and Thursdays @ 930am

NLPT Cambridge (460 Thompson Dr.)

Registration Requirements

1) Completed PAR-Q (Click here to download. Please print, fill out and have any discussions with GP before attending).

2) NLPT Consent Form

3) A “Can Do” Attitude, an appetite for coffee and ability to give high fives.

4) Put your name down on THIS LINK, and yes please tell us your favourite band or genre of music.

Programming Overview

Vitality Work.png